I think it is safe to say that Fendi's baguette is a bag that has been a pillar in the handbag community since it's debut in the 90's. It is an iconic bag and has a die-hard cult following, to say the least. We have seen the baguette in different colors, with different hardware, beaded, and printed. We've seen it in leather, canvas, and fur. With shows like Sex & the City, the baguette has quickly become a status symbol.
To no surprise, Fendi is keeping the momentum going with their Fall handbag collection. Their new baguette, Savana, is a shimmery grained leather that has a Fendi medallion magnetic closure with a gold tone and tortoise chain link handle. It is available in a Cognac Brown, Mustard Yellow and Black.
I love this bag and it's a great steal for $935. It may not seem like a steal with respect to most standards but if you know anything about Fendi, then you know that finding a Fendi bag UNDER $1,000 is a major steal!!!
You guys know how I feel about it so now you tell me how you feel about the new Fendi baguette. Do you LOVE or LOATHE?